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Climate Change & Resilience

Climate Change & Resilience Services

Climate Change & Resilience  services

Climate change is a reality that is upon us. The world needs to join hands to deal with the effects of climate change. ODS partners with other development partners to deal with this huge challenge that is facing our planet earth causing all kinds of challenges particularly for the poor. Achieving increased capacities of communities to withstand shocks and stresses which result from the impacts of climate change is our focus.

Scientific evidences show that the earth’s climate is rapidly changing and affecting in various forms. Increasing average temperatures have already been experienced and have altered the amount and distribution of rainfall globally. No country is immune to the impacts of climate change as all have been exposed to the economic, social, and environmental impacts of climate change. Climate change has affected many key economic sectors, notably, the agricultural sector and the water sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. A focus on climate resilience is required in these sectors in the region to protect the key livelihoods for poor and marginalised communities.

ODS assists with:

  • Developing climate resilience and adaptation programmes;
  • Support to the agricultural sector to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change to protect the livelihoods of the poor communities;
  • Facilitating the active engagement of different stakeholders in the design and implementation of interventions that enable effective adaptation to climate change in the agriculture sector;
  • Strengthening the cooperation between Sub-Saharan African States over shared rivers to protect and achieve development gains;
  • Providing technical assistance that enhances the adaptation and resilience of different stakeholders (including institutions and poor communities)

The impact of climate change in the semi-arid and arid areas of Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) on agricultural production, water and infrastructure has been felt over the years. The frequent droughts experienced over the last few decades have made millions of people food insecure. At ODS we believe that climate resilience and adaptation programmes are more crucial to protect poor communities who depend on smallholder agriculture. ODS therefore facilitates the active engagement of different stakeholders in the design and implementation of interventions that enable effective adaptation to climate change in agriculture, water and infrastructure.